Assalamu Alaikum!

On behalf of our community, we would like to congratulate our 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, and our first female, first black, and first Asian-American, 49th Vice President, Kamala Harris!

President-elect Biden has pledged to end the Muslim ban on his first day in office, include Muslims at every level of his administration, address racial issues and religious discriminations, and eventually change America's face to the world.

We are hopeful that their leadership will cease the assault on truth and tranquillity and an administration awash in corruption that tested US democracy to the limit. But most importantly, tackle the challenges the Muslim American community is facing on a daily basis.

The MLFA will always continue to stand up for justice for our brothers and sisters, work towards ensuring our rights, and hold those who err accountable.  

In the dawn of a new era, let us continue to heal our divided country.

In faith and for justice,
The Team at MLFA

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Muslim Legal Fund of America
833 E Arapaho Rd
Suite 209
Richardson, Texas 75081
United States
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