Let us be brave. Let us be light.


Together, forward.

Dear John,

Today’s a big day. How are you holding up? I’m moving through mixed emotions. I feel relieved, sad, curious, and ready. 

I feel relieved that this election season, we stood by and for each other – and against Trumpism – by swearing in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our President and Vice President. I feel sad thinking about the people who did not survive the past four years, including the 400,000 and counting we’ve lost to COVID. I feel curious about the policy decisions we must make to move #ForwardTogether and how we, a multiracial, grassroots movement, will push the new administration. 

I feel ready for the work ahead, and ready to build a more connected and caring movement. 

Here at TakeAction Minnesota, our vision remains the same: a vibrant, caring world where everyone can live a life of dignity and joy. The past ten months have made so clear that to do this, we need each other. We must organize to survive. Organizing is strongest and most powerful when we do it together. 

I invite you to join us next week, Thursday, January 28th, from 6PM-7:30PM CST for our Member Meeting. In this space, you’ll learn more about TakeAction Minnesota and our campaigns. For some of you, the insurrection was a wakeup call, and you feel moved to action now. I’m glad you’re ready to get involved. Or, perhaps you’ve been in this work for a while, and are yearning for a political home.  We’re in this together. Join us in solidarity and action next week. Newcomer or seasoned organizer, you are welcome. We will learn with and from each other. I hope I see you there.  

Let national poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb," inspire you. Here’s the transcript. “For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” 

Together, forward. Let us be brave. Let us be light. 


Take care, 