Hey there,
“My office organized a strike force of prosecutors whose only orders are to build sedition charges related to most heinous acts that occurred in the Capitol.”
That’s from Michael Sherwin, the acting United States attorney for the District of Columbia. He added that a sedition charge can lead to a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
The world watched in horror as HUNDREDS of people stormed the Capitol after Trump and his cronies incited them to violence to “stop the steal.” Something MUST be done to hold all of those who attacked our country and our democracy accountable -- and that’s why we are asking our most ardent supporters what they think. Please let us know:
Should Trump’s rioters be charged with sedition?
Thank you for making your voice heard,
Progressive Majority

Progressive Majority PAC is leading the fight against Trump’s GOP and their dangerous and divisive agenda by supporting elected progressives, helping elect even more progressive Democrats to Congress, and protecting the gains we made in the past election. This movement is powered by progressives like you.

Progressive Majority PAC
410 1st St, SE
Suite 310
Washington, DC 20003