In the first 100 days, this must get done.

Dear John,

Today, President Joe Biden reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to be a beacon for the world. In his inaugural address, he said: “We’ll press forward with speed and urgency for we have much to do... much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, and much to gain.”

John, I can’t describe the feeling of relief I felt hearing these words. But you and I know that words don’t equate to action. That’s why all of us at Amnesty International are rolling up our sleeves to ensure that President Biden and his administration treat our ongoing human rights crises with the urgency they deserve.

The president has a far-reaching set of immediate plans, and Amnesty is urging his administration to take a vital first step to help end injustice in its first 100 days: free every last person and family unjustly detained by by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and ensure the rights to health and safety of all immigrants and asylum-seekers in the U.S. We welcome President Biden’s many planned executive orders, and urge him to prioritize the safety and release of the thousands of individuals and families needlessly held by ICE in detention.

Will you be part of this extraordinary campaign? Tell us that you’re in »

Amnesty has been on the frontlines, working to free and protect people seeking asylum in the United States. And for the past four years, we have been fighting some of the most appalling human rights violations against migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers.

As part of our efforts to stop human rights violations, we led a delegation that visited the border between the U.S. and Mexico to investigate anti-asylum policies. We exposed the truth of President Trump’s policies to the press and key decision makers. We challenged these policies in court. We monitored the hearings of asylum cases of adults and children who were forcibly returned to Mexico, where they feared for their health and safety. We amped up pressure to free asylum-seekers unjustly detained by ICE — especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. And we helped win the release of nearly one hundred individuals wrongfully held in ICE custody.

We have the track record. Now, we have the opportunity to make huge change.

Our goal in the first 100 days — to free people, including all families, from ICE detention facilities — is just the beginning of a long-term campaign to radically change how the United States treats migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers fleeing danger and persecution. And this is just one part of our larger effort to end and ensure accountability for all human rights violations by the U.S. government.

We have a momentous opportunity — but we also have our work cut out for us. I can’t shake that only weeks ago, the exact location at which President Biden spoke was overrun by white supremacists and militia groups wielding Confederate flags.

John, we cannot sit back and assume a new era. We must be an active, vocal, and vigilant part of making change. Please, say you’re with us.

As the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization, Amnesty International works toward a world in which every person is able to enjoy all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Since our founding, we’ve lived through times of overwhelming uncertainty.

Now, we’re turning an important corner in the United States. This is our moment to embrace this historic opportunity, mobilize people like you to join the fight, and take action to defend human rights.

In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be reaching out to you with ways to get involved in our campaign to free and protect people and families seeking asylum in the U.S.

Thanks in advance for your commitment to this important work — stay tuned.

Bob Goodfellow

Interim Executive Director
Amnesty International USA

P.S. I was struck by poet Laureate Amanda Gorman’s words at today’s Inaugural address: “History has its eyes on us.” Please, stand on the right side of history by joining us to demand justice for refugees and asylum-seekers by making a donation to advance human rights in 2021 and beyond. »

© 2021 Amnesty International USA

311 W 43rd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036 | 1-800-AMNESTY

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