Big Tobacco is practicing #Statesploitation, using the FDA to crush competitors Retweet
The FDA wants to ban vaping. Meanwhile, the FDA has approved a tobacco heating device sold by a Big Tobacco firm. Please fight this statesploitation by sending the following letter to your congressional reps. Feel free to put this in your own words…
I want you to prevent FDA interference with vaping. The FDA has just authorized a large tobacco firm to sell a tobacco heating device. This device is similar to the vaping products the FDA wants to ban. This stinks of cronyism.
Big tobacco companies are using regulation to strangle their competitors. Small producers and public health will both pay the price.
In the last three months, smoking killed over 150,000 people, while vaping may have killed only seven. Vaping appears to be saving lives!
The likely cause of those seven deaths isn't nicotine vaping, but rather black market THC (marijuana) vaping. Producers are adding Vitamin E to THC to create a solution that will vaporize. Sadly, drug prohibition has made this problem worse because people lie about their THC use, thus placing the blame on nicotine vaping.
Please notice, YOUR PROHIBITION IS THE PROBLEM. Don't ban vaping. Instead, end drug prohibition!
An article in Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine found no adverse events related to nicotine vaping. And British studies indicate that…
* Nicotine by itself is no more harmful than caffeine * Nicotine vaping is 95% safer than cigarettes.
Meanwhile, teens are smoking less because they're vaping more. Teen smoking has dropped by nearly 30% over the past year. And adults have traded smoking for vaping at an even higher rate.
FDA cronyism threatens to reverse this progress. YOU must prevent this from happening! Use the power of your office to send the FDA an Open Letter telling them to keep their hands off vaping.
Jim Babka, President Downsize DC Foundation &, Inc.
Today's Action: Oppose the vaping ban, 872 Mark Dr., Akron OH 44313
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