Biden and Kamala will wage war on our rights.


Today, the most radically anti-gun government takes control of America.

Future generations of Americans are counting on you and me to step up at this critical moment in our nation’s history to save our Second Amendment rights.

We want today to be our biggest fundraising day ever to show the country that patriots are united to defend the Second Amendment from Biden’s and Kamala’s destruction.

Please make a contribution to our 2A Protection Fund on this ominous day for our God-given liberties.







Kamala Harris was rated the single most liberal member of the Senate.

Now, she’s become the tie-breaking vote in the Senate -- AND will have a seat in the White House to ensure Joe Biden signs the most radical anti-gun legislation into law. Kamala, Pelosi, and Schumer can barely wait to exploit the events that took place at the Capitol earlier this month to disarm good and decent citizens everywhere.

We vow to stay vigilant against their assaults on our rights, but this isn’t a battle we can win on our own.

GOA has a legislative agenda that can stop Pelosi and Schumer from passing gun control. We did it in 2013 when the New York Times credited GOA with killing Obama’s gun control proposals. And we can do it again over the next two years.

But we need your help now more than ever before. Help us make today the biggest fundraising day in GOA’s history as we officially enter Kamala’s America.

Please make a contribution to our 2A Protection Fund on this ominous day for our God-given liberties.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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