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Hi Friend,

Today, as the NCLEJ staff and I watch the inauguration of President Joseph Biden and the national welcome to his new administration, we are thinking about the communities we fight for every day. And we will fight for the communities we care about to come into the focus of policy-makers: low-wage workers, people with disabilities, low-income families and families of color, and many others surviving on the margins. 

The incoming Biden administration has an urgent opportunity to set the country back on track towards justice. Here are several goals the Biden administration can work towards in its first 100 days:
  • Expand access to SNAP, Medicaid, and other benefits
  • Secure low-wage workers’ rights
  • End abusive debt collection
  • Advance the rights of people with disabilities
We work on these demands every single day. Our communities deserve federal support and policy change to ensure families not only survive but economically thrive.

Read more about what exactly we can hold the Biden administration accountable to and why these demands matter.  

We hope you’ll stay in the fight with us, 

Dennis Parker & NCLEJ Staff 


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