Hi Friend,

Today marks the inauguration of the next president of the United States. 

The peaceful transition from one administration to the next is a core American strength, and it continues today.

While we appreciate and respect calls for unity right now, which our battered nation so desperately needs, it is important to note that true unity comes, not from silencing the opposition, but from people treating each other with respect and finding common ground. 

That is what Independent Women’s Forum and our sister organization, Independent Women’s Voice, are committed to advancing.

We believe that all people have the right to be heard and respected, and we do our part to ensure that your voice is represented.

For: Friend

Expires: Midnight Tonight
Start Survey NOW
Ultimately, unity will be won through the battle of ideas—not words—and by advancing positive policy reforms. 

Friend, that is why we are committed to listening to you, championing the issues and causes you care about, and amplifying your voice.

We recognize the unique role we play.

This is a time when people will be looking for something to join, something to believe in, something to give them hope, something to protect them, and something that gives them a platform to be heard.

We get that, and we want to ensure you feel heard.

That’s why we created this open box survey for you—so you can freely, privately, and securely share your thoughts, hopes, and concerns about the new administration and Congress.

Feel free to express how you feel or let us know if there are issues you want us to address. 

Share your thoughts on our Inauguration Open Box Survey today.

Thank you and stay safe,

Heather R. Higgins