
Today we celebrate the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Today is an important moment. After the divisive years of Donald Trump, we have a chance to bring our country together again. We have a chance to show the world what happens when the greatest Democracy on the planet leads and gets things done again.

On everything from defeating COVID-19 to protecting our environment for future generations, I feel hopeful about what we can get done in the next four years, and I hope you do too.

Please join me in celebrating and supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on this historic day by adding your name to this petition.

We have a lot of work to do in the next four years for Michigan and our country. But today, that work seems so much more achievable.

I'm fired up to get to work, and I hope you are too.



Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator




Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

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