In the dead of night last night, Trump issued clemency or pardons to over 140 people -- including Steve Bannon, who is accused of defrauding Trump's own supporters.

Amid reports that Trump aides were selling access to Trump for consideration of pardon requests, Trump also pardoned a Republican mega-donor who plead guilty to illegal lobbying for China, and a Republican operative convicted of wire fraud and money laundering.

Sign our petition to the Senate: "CONVICT Trump and disqualify him from ever holding federal office again."

Then, please chip in to our work building pressure in Congress to EXPEL Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and the other Republican traitors who voted to overturn our democratic election.

The Washington Post reports, "Trump has repeatedly used the power to reward loyal allies, rather than reserving acts of clemency for ordinary people wronged by the justice system."

CNN adds:

Many of the people Trump has chosen to pardon fall along predictable lines: associates such as Roger Stone and Michael Flynn who remained loyal to him through their legal troubles; criminals with friendly or familial ties to the administration, such as Jared Kushner's father Charles; celebrities or people connected to celebrities, such as Rod Blagojevich; and those whose cause was taken up by conservative media, such as Blackwater security guards who massacred Iraqi civilians.

Sign our Senate petition: "CONVICT Trump and disqualify him from ever holding federal office again."

And, donate to our work building pressure in Congress to EXPEL Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and the 145 other Republican traitors who voted to overturn our democracy.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)






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