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The numbers have been crunched and the data is out, our advocacy at work helped to see 20,000 speculation tax exemptions related to construction. Find more information and the original report here.
Georgie's Corner
The 2020 Call for Entries close in less than a week, on September 30! Enter today at
Join us at the 2020 Gala on March 14, 2020 at the Westin Bayshore. Tickets will be on sale later this year. |
CHBA National
Join here, to be on the Net Zero Council and be part of the leadership group working together to accelerate the voluntary adoption of Net Zero Homes in Canada.
Advocacy Update
The monthly Advocacy Update is a snapshot of CHBA BC’s government relations activities and relevant ongoing issues. To read the August update, click here.
The British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is proposing new and updated energy efficiency standards for residential windows, residential and commercial gas boilers, and computers and monitors. CHBA BC intends to submit to this consultation. Detailed information on the proposed changes can be found online at the Province’s Energy Efficiency Standards web page. |
The Summit is back this October 9-11, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Earn up to 22.5 CPD points over three days. Learn more and register here.
Building Safety and Standards Branch
An updated version of the BC Energy Compliance Reports (Performance Paths for Part 9 Buildings), for use with BC Building Code 2018, is now available. The updated version provides guidance for how to model and test attached ground-oriented residential buildings that are not considered multi-unit residential buildings under the EnerGuide Rating System.
All versions of the reports are available on the BC Energy Step Code website. More information about the BC Energy Compliance Reports for Part 9 Buildings is available in Technical Bulletin B18-03, published by the Building and Safety Standards Branch. Please address any questions to [email protected].

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8