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The government has narrowly defeated a move requiring the government to reconsider any trade deal with a country found by the high court to be committing genocide.
"Now that the mother and baby homes report has been published, I want everyone to know what happened to thousands of Irish women and children, in dark, patriarchal Ireland."
The Swiss government recommended on Tuesday that voters reject a proposal in a planned March 7 referendum to ban full facial coverings such as burqas and niqabs worn by some Muslim women, saying the move would hurt tourism.
A woman in Egypt was briefly detained after being accused of baking "indecent" cakes, local media say. A religious body warned that such baked goods were forbidden by Islam.
An American woman is being deported from Bali over suspected immigration violations after her tweets that celebrated the Indonesian resort island as a low-cost, LGBT-friendly place for foreigners to live went viral.
The stars and makers of a new Amazon Prime TV series in India have had to issue an "unconditional" apology after politicians called for the show to be banned following an uproar over alleged insults to Hindu gods.
Gandhi's vision of a secular India with equal rights for all religions has been eroded and subjugated since the BJP came to power in 2014, says Hannah Ellis-Petersen.
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