John, this is our moment:

The U.S. Senate just announced that its first piece of legislation will be its version of HR1, the For The People Act.1 This is huge news and would be the most comprehensive anti-corruption reform passed since Watergate.

We’re launching a national campaign called Put Democracy First to ensure the bill becomes law. To kick it off, we’re sending thousands of messages to the new Congress to demand they pass the For the People Act: Send a message in support of the bill right now.

Demand Congress pass the For the People Act: Send a message

If passed, this bill would implement a large portion of the policies we've been pushing for in the American Anti-Corruption Act, our model legislation designed in 2012.

The House and Senate will introduce a sweeping upgrade of election, ethics, campaign finance and presidential powers laws. It would:

  • Dramatically increase election security and voter participation.
  • End gerrymandering in Congress.
  • Strengthen ethics and financial conflict of interest laws for the President, Congress, and Supreme Court.
  • End secret donations to politicians and rein in Super PACs.
  • Close lobbyist loopholes.
  • Dramatically decrease politicians’ dependence on special interest lobbyist money.
  • ….and much, much more.2

78% of Americans — of all political stripes — feel politicians don’t care about them and their needs.3 Anti-corruption is the unifying force in America right now, and we can show that to Congress by flooding their inboxes with messages from conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between. Take two minutes right now to demand Congress pass the For the People Act by voting YES when it comes to the floor.

This is the greatest opportunity for lasting, federal reform in generations, and it's only here because of our movement's hard work: By fighting to pass many of these laws city-by-city, state-by-state, the anti-corruption movement has paved the way for this federal law over the past decade.

Now it’s on us to make sure this law passes. If Congress knows that their constituents overwhelmingly support the For the People Act, they’ll be forced to either pass it or face the political consequences. Send a message now.

A new chapter in our nation’s history is unfolding, and it could be one of the most important moments for our movement. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

Josh Silver

The Hill, Jan. 19, 2021
S1: The For the People Act of 2021
Ipsos Poll, Jan. 13, 2021
