Hi there — I usually like to take the time and write longer messages, but with everything that’s happening in Washington right now, I think I’ll have to keep it short.

The last few weeks have been deeply concerning. And as the Senate returns to session today, I want you to know that I am ready to hold Donald Trump accountable — and for the first time in a decade welcome a Democratic House, Senate, and White House.

There’s a ton of important issues on the table, and I cannot afford to get distracted from doing my job in the Senate during this critical time. But my team has told me we are a bit behind where we need to be for our first fundraising goal of the year — and the deadline is tonight.

So, would you consider adding a donation to my campaign to help us get back on track? We only need to raise about $2,117 more. It would take a lot off my plate and keep me focused on the job at hand. You can do so right here:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you do. I’ll be in touch again very soon.

— John