
We were ecstatic when we learned President-elect Biden would reject donations from dirty fossil fuel corporations and lobbyists to his inaugural committee! 

In 2009 Barack Obama rejected ALL donations from corporations to his inauguration.

But despite banning fossil fuel donors, we’re seeing other corporate donors giving big to Biden’s inauguration. It’s no secret that they’re just trying to buy corrupt influence with the new administration.

Tell Biden’s inaugural committee: REJECT all corporate donors! President Obama's inaugural committee rejected donations from corporations, and President-elect Biden’s committee should do the same thing.

We have big hopes for the incoming Biden administration. We want to see them succeed in passing reform that will make sure our democracy works for EVERYONE, not big money donors and corporations. The LAST thing we need is big corporations using the inaugural committee as a way to buy influence.

But just this week we’ve seen more corporate donors giving to Biden’s inauguration. Already, corporations like Boeing, Comcast, and Verizon have given to Biden’s committee. And according to new reports, corporations including Amazon and Uber are now giving to the committee as well.

John, Amazon is known for treating their employees poorly and putting their lives in danger! They canceled hazard pay for workers during the pandemic, and have failed to provide adequate personal protective equipment. Biden’s inaugural committee should absolutely not be taking money from corporations like Amazon!

Send a message to Biden’s inaugural committee: REJECT corporate donations NOW! Do what President Obama did in 2009, and refuse to take donations from corporations for the inauguration.

It’s simply not too late for Biden’s inaugural committee to change course, RETURN corporate donations already received, and REJECT any further corporate cash.

-HAZMAT America 



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