With the transition to a new administration, many of our elected officials are answering your calls for change. In 2021, we have the opportunity to see many of the things we've fought for take shape.

  Oxfam America  

The 2020 election has been a distressing time. Without a doubt it has shed light on some of the flaws and fissures in the US political system as well as the deep-rooted racism that still exists in our country. And yet we have seen historic voter turnout in the middle of a pandemic – you joined with over 150 million others at the ballot box. Together we have sacrificed our time and risked our health in order to participate in our democracy, and our voices have been heard.

Democracy works because we vote.

Inauguration day marks a historic moment. It is the first time in our history that there has not been a peaceful transfer of power. AND it is also the first time we have elected a Black, Indian, or biracial woman to this office. The daughter of immigrants, Kamala Harris’s win gives so many marginalized communities the opportunity to see someone like them in a position of power. We must celebrate this progress.

We must also celebrate you, for your unwavering dedication to effect positive change in the midst of a pandemic, social uprising, and constitutional crisis. You voted, protested, signed petitions, held our elected officials accountable, and called for change. Everything we’ve accomplished so far has been because of your commitment. We couldn’t do this work without you.


Over the past four years, you’ve partnered with us to address growing inequality and hunger, tackle the climate crisis, stop the US’s role in the war in Yemen, stand up for refugees and asylum-seekers, challenge food companies to treat their workers better, end the Muslim Ban, and so much more. While these are big issues to overcome, there are millions of families who have been directly impacted, and you’ve stood up for them time and time again.

With the transition to a new administration, many of our elected officials are answering your calls for change. In 2021, we have the opportunity to see many of the things we’ve fought for take shape. It’s been a long road, but there is still work to do.

President-elect Biden has promised to make some bold, positive changes, and we plan to hold him accountable. And in some areas, he needs to go much further to address the challenges we face. The pandemic is a tipping point, and we know that government response can bring us forward or set us back. President-elect Biden and Congress must seize the opportunity to build a more equal, inclusive economy that helps end poverty. We’re not going to let up – regardless of political party, we will continue to call on our elected officials to stand up for what’s right. Now is not the time for half-measures or tinkering around the edges. People need support now.

As we anticipate the opportunities of the next four years, we are looking forward to the US recommitting to the global fight against poverty and inequality. A new era in our democracy is materializing, and we must continue to push the administration and Congress to tackle the systemic inequality that is driving poverty, injustice, hunger, and climate change, here at home and around the world.

As it’s a time of transition for all of us across the country, it’s also personally a time of transition for me. After 14 years with Oxfam, I am stepping into a new role as the Vice President of Advocacy, Alliances and Policy. This position gives me the incredible opportunity to work alongside you – our supporters – as we fight to achieve our mission. You have demonstrated time and again your amazing commitment to making our society better for everyone. As we enter into this new phase of our democracy, I am inspired and energized by your dedication and action in the face of huge challenges.

We can’t do any of this without you. 2021, with a new administration and Congress, is a fresh chance to join together and call for bigger, bolder action that will deliver a more resilient and dignified future where everyone can thrive, not just survive.

Thank you for joining us in this fight to end the injustice of poverty and inequality here at home and around the world – I am honored to be working alongside you.


Gina Cummings
Vice President of Advocacy, Alliances and Policy
Oxfam America Action Fund

P.S. Please check out a piece I recently wrote about our advocacy accomplishments and what we will be pushing the Biden/Harris administration and Congress to accomplish in the first 100 days.

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