LaRouchePAC Saturday Classes—What You
Need to Become a Leader
LaRouchePAC has just launched a four-part class series on the core
principles of Lyndon LaRouche's economics. Each Saturday, at 7pm
eastern, Bruce Director, long-time scientific associate of Lyndon
LaRouche, will open with a presentation, published
on our YouTube
channel, followed by a private Q&A session for activists
and followers of LaRouchePAC. To participate live, and speak with
Bruce directly, sign up >>>
Here's a preview of this
Saturday's class:
Two little noticed recent developments
encapsulate the principles of our current fight to restore the U.S. On
January 12, 2021 President Trump issued an executive order directing
the Department of Defense and NASA to develop small scale nuclear
reactors to supply power to existing installations on Earth and future
robotic and human bases on the Moon and Mars. Also, included in the
omnibus appropriation bill attached to the Covid 19 relief package,
Trump signed an authorization for federal funds to be used to match
private development of fusion reactors modelled on the successful NASA
directed public/private cooperation that helped launch the burgeoning
industrialization of low Earth orbit.
The incoming “Biden” administration has
already signaled its intention to replace this policy of government
promotion of real scientific achievement with ideological dogma
masquerading as “science” administered by “experts”. Just think of
Biden’s planned return to the Paris Climate Accords that will bind the
U.S. to reducing economic progress in the name of discredited
statistical theories of climate change. Or the difference between the
successful application of science under “Operation Warp-Speed” and the
restrictive, irrational policies of lockdowns and fear mongering in
dealing with the Covid 19 crisis.
The science based American System of
physical economy has been, and will continue to be, the most effective
approach to fostering economic progress, which is why it has been
emulated by any nation that seeks to improve the conditions of life
for its citizens. Lyndon LaRouche set forth the scientific principles
on which this economic system has been based. In part 2 of this 4-part
class series we will explore those principles, which are summarized in
Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of LaRouche’s, So You Wish To Learn All About
Okay, so you may have noticed we showed
up in your inbox early this week. We've refined our weekly activist
calls to center around three areas, and we want to use our newsletter
on a bi-weekly basis to feature them and make sure you don't miss a
thing. Here is the new schedule—Mondays: a strategic
orientation for the week, Thursdays: welcoming members new to
LPAC, and Saturdays: more in-depth content to continue to
challenge what we know and how we know it.
We welcome your feedback, so send any
questions or comments my way. Thanks always for following our work at
LaRouchePAC and your generous support.