Dear John,
Take action to hold Joe Biden accountable to becoming a bold climate president.
Less than a week ago, Donald Trump’s administration made its final attempt to sell off our public lands to Big Oil. It held a lease sale for lands near Chaco Culture National Historical Park – a UNESCO World Heritage Site with irreplaceable archaeological treasures that are sacred for Southwest Indigenous nations. Take action to demand Joe Biden stop fossil fuel industry destruction!
President-Elect Biden has a tall order -- he must undo the damage Trump did to our environment and communities at the same time as fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters are already disrupting millions of lives.
That’s why we need to ensure Joe Biden becomes the climate president he promised to be. Can we count on you to join us?
Demand Joe Biden stop the fossil fuel industry’s destruction!
We deserve a world beyond fossil fuels: a world in which workers’ rights, community health, and our shared climate come before corporate profits. Joe Biden claimed bold climate action in his campaign promises and it’s time he helps build our country back and end a fossil fuel free future.
With his Inauguration less than 24 hours away, it’s time to demand he kick off his term by taking executive action to:
- Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters.
- Reject new fossil fuel projects
- Eliminate giveaways to oil, gas, and coal corporations and end the era of fossil fuel production
- Launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free, deliver jobs, justice, and opportunity to all.
Joe Biden has all the tools needed to get started Day One! He has the power under existing law to take executive action to address the climate crisis head on -- and help create a healthy, thriving economy that works for everyone.
Call on Joe Biden to be the president he promised to be.
Extraction and pollution from pipelines have poisoned our environment, our bodies, and our communities for long enough. Line 3. Dakota Access Pipeline. Keystone XL. All three of these dirty projects still have permits pending. Meanwhile, places like Chaco Canyon could soon face new threats from the fossil fuel industry.
Joe Biden campaigned on the commitment to fighting these Big Oil polluters -- and tomorrow he can finally deliver on his promise! He can reject the permits for all 3 pipelines and end fossil fuel extraction on our public lands.
It’s time Joe Biden end the era of fossil fuel production, stop polluters from poisoning Black, Brown and Indigenous communities, and protect our planet from the worsening impacts of climate catastrophe.
Will you join of concerned people across the country to raise a collective call to our new President? The impacts of fossil fuel projects have done their damage. Demand Joe Biden Build Back Fossil Free
50,000 Friends of the Earth activists’ signatures still needed. Help Build Back Fossil Free!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth