We did it, John! On Friday the March for ‘Life’ announced it was turning its January 29 anti-abortion demonstration into a virtual rally. [1]
When we organize, we win. Give now to fund cutting-edge activism that won’t take no for an answer.
Thousands signed our petition. It worked.
Buh-bye, March for Life. Donate now for more of this!
Sending you the best during these challenging days,
Erin Matson
Executive Director, Reproaction
Based in Arlington, Virginia
[1] https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2021/01/15/march-life-cancelled-virtual-washington-abortion-239738

There couldn’t be a worse time for the March for ‘Life’ to call tens of thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators to a mass gathering in Washington.
Sign your name now! Demand the March for ‘Life’ cancel.
Our country is in the midst of a deadly pandemic. In Los Angeles, patients are being treated in gift shops because hospitals are so full. [1] In other cities, mobile morgue trucks are in use because there are too many bodies to bury.
Grandparents and grocery store workers have human lives worth protecting. Sign the petition demanding the March for ‘Life’ cancel now.
Moving forward with the March for ‘Life’ will cause harm. COVID 19 is particularly dangerous for people of color, who are many of our crucial frontline workers, all while D.C. hit an all-time high single-day case count this past weekend. [2] So too, this occurs against a backdrop of a white supremacist coup attempt incited by the president (the same president who spoke at a previous March for ‘Life’) that has left residents in the Washington region fearful for safety.
The March for Life must not gather in Washington on January 29. Sign now to say you agree.
Erin Matson
Executive Director, Reproaction
Based in Arlington, Virginia
P.S. Yesterday the District of Columbia mayor and the governors of Maryland and Virginia released a joint statement calling on people not to come to inauguration due to “last week’s violent insurrection as well as the ongoing and deadly COVID-19 pandemic.” [3] If this is happening for inauguration, just why should the March for ‘Life’ proceed as planned? Sign the petition now.
[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/los-angeles-hospital-forced-treat-covid-19-patients-gift-shop-2020-12
[2] https://dcist.com/story/21/01/11/dc-md-va-regional-coronavirus-update-jan-11/
[3] https://www.nbc12.com/2021/01/11/virginia-maryland-dc-leaders-urge-americans-not-travel-inauguration/