There is (yet another) viral misinformation campaign out there.
There is yet another viral misinformation campaign out there. This time, it’s a fabricated tweet that’s been — poorly — Photoshopped to look like Alexandria sent out a call for a “purge” and “roundup” of “all Conservative traitors.”
Unsurprisingly, it’s circulating like wildfire on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the posts have hundreds of comments and shares. People are falling for this disinformation at alarming rates, and this is one of the ways that threats and targeting start ramping up.
Can you make a $3 donation to help our campaign fight disinformation online? The more we can grow our own social media presence, the better we’re able to set the record straight on these disinformation attacks.
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When people call Alexandria “extreme,” you have to wonder just how many Photoshopped tweets, fake news articles, and altered posts they’ve been exposed to.
A lie gets halfway around the world before truth puts on its boots. That’s why we have to be vigilant. Please, if you can help us fight back against these viral disinformation attacks, make a donation today.
Thank you,
Team AOC