Dear John, Please join CCAN and Politics and Prose bookstore in celebrating local author David Goodrich’s story of biking across the tar sands and fracking fields of North America. The zoom event will be this Thursday, January 21st, from 6pm-7pm. David, former Director of the UN Global Climate Observing System in Switzerland, decided to ride his bicycle 1100 miles from the Canadian tar sands to the fracking fields of North Dakota. This fossil-rich area was once covered by a vast, ancient ocean! Part travelogue, part climate warning, always fascinating, this story is captured in his new book, A Voyage Across an Ancient Ocean.
YES! Sign me up for A Voyage Across An Ancient Ocean book talk! We will kick off the hour-long book talk with a short video of David’s trek set to music. You have the option to attend the free talk or attend AND purchase a signed copy of David’s book. It is an ideal gift for you or any climate-concerned person that you know. Please join us for this unique and insightful event! David, by the way, is also a long-serving member of the CCAN board. RSVP Yes! to attend the discussion about A Voyage Across An Ancient Ocean on 1/21 from 6pm-7pm! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night! Onward, -- Have you heard of our advocacy arm, CCAN Action Fund? CCAN Action Fund aims to create change in public policy through voter education, lobbying, and participation in the electoral process. Like CCAN Action Fund on Facebook to stay in the loop: Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. Did you receive this email from a friend? Click to sign up for updates. View this email in your web browser CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We also act as "first-responders" to federal action on the climate crisis and inspire climate action across the country. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time. |