Strategies for dealing with remote learning and other frustrations
Strategies for dealing with remote learning and other frustrations
Helping children when and where they need it most
The seemingly endless disruption of the pandemic has been hard on everyone, but for many kids with ADHD the challenges of remote learning and the loss of structure, activities and social connection have been especially difficult. As the pandemic drags on, many kids with attention challenges are falling behind, getting lost, and acting out in frustration.
This week on we’re sharing resources for helping kids with ADHD stay connected, navigate remote learning and manage their behavior, including user-tested strategies for getting organized from someone who’s been there. "Organization isn’t a superpower," writes Rae Jacobson, who has ADHD. "It’s just a set of skills you don’t have yet."
- Caroline Miller, Editorial Director |

Support for Kids With ADHD During the Pandemic

Helping attention-challenged kids stay on track.

How to Help Yourself Get Organized

Realistic tips for young people, from someone who’s been there.

ADHD and Behavior Problems

Why are tantrums and defiance so common in kids with ADHD? And how can we help them?

Understanding ADHD Medications

Ritalin or Adderall? Short- or long-acting? A look at the alternatives, and how they work.

Behavioral Treatments for Kids With ADHD

Helping kids get organized and control problem behaviors.

ADHD and Substance Abuse

Why teens with the disorder are at higher risk for addiction.

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Parents Guide to ADHD

Parents Guide to ADHD

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