Dear John,
Emerge New Mexico is hosting a virtual legislative reception on Saturday, February 6 - and we want to see you there!
We hope you will join Emerge New Mexico at our 2021 Virtual Legislative Reception. We are excited to honor the Emerge New Mexico women who are changing the face of politics, including the incredible 25 Emerge graduates serving in the New Mexico Legislature.
Will you be there to celebrate with us?

When Women Lead
2021 Emerge New Mexico Virtual Legislative Reception
Saturday, February 6, 2021 | 5:00 pm
Help us celebrate the incredible Emergistas in the New Mexico Legislature!
Platinum: $1,000
Gold: $500
Ruth Kovnat
Silver: $250
Representative Natalie Figueroa & Rafael Figueroa
Representative Linda Serrato | Representative Melanie Stansbury
County Commissioner Anna Hansen | County Clerk Katharine Clark
Marianna Anaya | Jennifer Ford
Sponsor the Legislative Reception today!
General Admission:

Empowering Democratic women to run - and win!
Paid for by Emerge New Mexico
500 Marquette Ave. NW Suite 280
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Email us at [email protected] with questions or for more information.
Contributions to Emerge NM are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Emerge NM is a 527 political organization and not a PAC. Emerge NM does not endorse candidates and does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties.
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