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Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence

Ron Paul, MD

When Fascists Accuse Their Victims of Being Fascists

Vasko Kohlmayer

Gunning for Patriots

Becky Akers

The Only Free Speech Zone for the American Right Is Russia

Tim Kirby

How Soon Will the Left Eat Their Own?

Jon Rappoport

Biden’s Covid-19 ‘Rescue’ Plan Is Based on 5 Big Lies

Issues & Insights

The Zeitgeist Wants What the Zeitgeist Wants

James Howard Kunstler

Newly Released Testimony Shows the FBI Knew the Russia Collusion Story Was Bogus

Rick Moran

You Can Blame Big Tech Censorship on the Deep State Money Manipulators

Charles Goyette

Americans No Longer Live in a Free Society

Paul Craig Roberts

Inflation Breeds Even More Inflation

Thorsten Polleit

Joe Biden’s War

J. Hawk

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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