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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 19 January


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.

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Secularism in the media


Uighurs: Rebels aim to insert genocide amendment in UK-China trade bill

The amendment has been devised specifically in relation to allegations that China is committing genocide against Uighur people in Xinjiang province.

The Guardian


Half of British Jews will not display public sign of Judaism

Almost half of British Jews avoid showing visible signs of their Judaism in public, such as a Star of David or a kippah (skullcap), because of antisemitism, a new survey has found.

The Observer


Canvey Island Jewish leader suggests most members of community have had Covid

A local Jewish leader in Canvey Island has suggested that 'herd immunity' may now apply to the 250-strong strictly Orthodox community there because almost all its members have already had Covid-19.

Jewish News


Paul McKenna says seeing 'immense cruelty' while attending a Catholic school gave him a 'taste for compassion'

The hypnotist described his stint at the Catholic voluntary aided secondary school - for boys aged 11–18 - as a 'very unhappy experience', calling it 'a relentless, brainwashing process' which instilled 'guilt'.

Mail Online


‘British campuses have an Islamism problem’

Britain has not yet woken up to the magnitude of Islamic radicalisation in our universities, says Rohan Gupta.



Bangladesh: Female officials barred from registering Islamic marriages

A court in Bangladesh has banned women from registering nikahs, or Islamic weddings, because of their menstruation cycles.

Deutsche Welle


Ugandan president says LGBT+ people are ‘deviants’ while falsely claiming ‘they are not persecuted’

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has said gay people are "deviants" and the movement for LGBT+ rights is a form of "social imperialism".

Pink News


Greatest religious gathering on Earth goes ahead in India with 700,000 attending despite pandemic

Up to 700,000 Hindu devotees gathered along the banks of the River Ganges at Haridwar in India, marking the beginning of world's largest religious congregation – the Kumbh Mela – amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The Independent


‘Are we witnessing the birth of an African Islamic State?’

With the Middle Eastern Islamic State's 'defeat' in 2019, the world has largely ignored the precipitous rise of West Africa as the new epicentre of jihadist terror, says Kunwar Khuldune Shahid.

The Spectator*


‘How come churches don’t have to pay any tax?’

New Zealand is a secular society, but "advancement of religion" is still one of the main things that define a charity. That charitable status means that churches don't have to pay any tax. Alice Snedden questions this arrangement.

The Spinoff


Latest from the NSS


The Catholic Church’s control over abortion policy has sparked a furious backlash in Poland – Opinion Out Loud Ep 02

A ruling which effectively outlawed abortion in Poland has again highlighted the government's damagingly close relationship with the Catholic Church. But many Poles are now questioning the church's power, says Aleksandra Myslek.



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