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Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied to the Chinese Government
Well, that explains a lot.

Schweizer: Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied to the Chinese Government

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday detailed how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and ...

Democrat Dictatorship: National Guard Troops in D.C. Being “Vetted” For Conservative Political Views
Literally like some third world shithole.

The Democrat fascists are shredding our Constitutional rights.

Why is Biden so paranoid? This political inquisition of National Guard members is deeply insulting.

— HARLAN Z. HILL (@Harlan) ...

Pittsburgh: Islamic State Supporting Muslim Accused of Surveilling, Intimidating FBI Agent And His Wife
Respect it, islamophobes.

Alleged ISIS supporter in Pittsburgh accused of surveilling, intimidating local FBI agent, wif

PITTSBURGH — Federal charges have been filed against an alleged ISIS supporter in Pittsburgh for surveilling and ...

TRAITOR Liz Cheney censured in Wyoming for vote to impeach Trump: ‘Did not represent our voice’
Take out the trash, Wyoming.

Liz Cheney censured in Wyoming for vote to impeach Trump: 'Did not represent our voice'

The Republican Party Central Committee in Carbon County, Wyoming, has censured Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach ...

HERE IT COMES: Incoming CDC Director Expects Over 100,000 COVID-19 Deaths in Next Month
Prepare yourself for the most egregious power grab in American history. Remember, 'two weeks to flatten the curve' — ?

America did not vote for this.

“By the middle of February, we expect half a million deaths in this country,” said ...

Never Before Seen Footage of bloody 2017 Inauguration riots
The Democrats laid siege to D.C.

Their 'outrage' is pure theater. They declared war on this great country years ago.

EXCLUSIVE – Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration riots

EXCLUSIVE – Never Before Seen ...

Every “peaceful corner” of America …….
Editor's note: You might find this tiny “peaceful corner” of America a good warning to other freedom-loving Americans.

Our writers group produced almost seven years of conservative columns for the local paper(s), The Courier Gazette, Camden ...

Beijing Biden to KILL Keystone XL Pipeline
America didn't vote for this. Biden's energy polices will cripple the U.S. energy sector.

The $9 billion project, which would move up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil daily from the province of Alberta to Nebraska, has been delayed by legal ...

Dangerous, Dumb, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Funding to Deprogram “White Supremacists”
There is a madness afoot. A terrible, horrible sickness.

AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists

By Carl Campanile, The NY Post, January 15, 2021 |

“There are people who are radicalized right now,' AOC said at a town hall ...

Pelosi Re-Appoints Communist China Stooge Eric Swalwall to Homeland Security Committee Despite Sexual Affair With Chinese Spy
Swalwell was banging a commie Chinese spy. He should be in jail – but the Dem criminal syndicate put him in charge of national security secrets. What could possibly go wrong?

The CCP didn't have to release COVID to hobble the USA, they have ...


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