
Martin Luther King Jr. fought tirelessly to win equal voting rights. And passage of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a direct outcome of the organizing and sacrifice of King and other Civil Rights activists.

But the Supreme Court shamefully gutted the Voting Rights Act in its infamous 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision. Following that decision, states around the country passed suppressive anti-voter laws to make it harder for people to vote, especially Black and Brown voters.

That’s why we MUST restore the Voting Rights Act! 

Legislation passed by Democrats in the House of Representatives in 2019, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), would RESTORE the Voting Rights Act, so that voting rights are truly protected for everyone. 

Send a message calling on Members of Congress to protect voting rights for everyone, and pass the VRAA NOW! Will you add your voice?

Then, take an additional step and support Black-led organizations doing the front-line work organizing to protect voting rights and fighting for Black lives.

From the protests following George Floyd’s murder, to the election of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia, we’ve seen people across the country rise up to fight systemic racism and organize to reject racist politicians.

Now, with President-Elect Joe Biden just two days from taking the oath of office, and with a Democratic-led Senate, we have a historic chance to pass reform.

But make no mistake, real reform will require us to keep pushing, demanding change, and supporting those doing the critical front-line work.

Will you join our push today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to call on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act, and support Black-led organizations fighting for justice?

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America 

PS: In the meantime, check out this video from AJ+ about how the media sanitizes the Civil Rights Movement to attack today’s activism, and how Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches were more radical than what is taught today.



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