
Today, we celebrate one of history's greatest civil servants. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that the moral arc of history is always bent towards justice — these words of wisdom have never felt more relevant than right now.

Friend, I believe that Dr. King's life is as important a lesson as his words and his sermons. When he first became the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, like his father before him, he was hesitant to take up the mantle of leader of the Civil Rights movement. But his faith in God and his conviction to liberate his people and raise the consciousness of humankind all over the world led him to a higher calling.

Right now, America is fractured. Lies, greed and ambition have created a divide that seems impossible to overcome particularly after the events of January 6th. I know many Americans, regardless of political or religious affiliation, feel it is improbable that we heal this nation. However, I will remind us that Dr. King believed in the Beloved Community. I believe the Beloved Community is within our reach if we are committed to the cause of justice, human rights for everyone and that we sincerely do everything we can to move this nation to higher ground.

My favorite quote of Dr. King is, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." We are truly living in very challenging and controversial times, so let us stand boldly on the side of what is right and good for all people. Let's work tirelessly to build and maintain a just nation.

Thank you for your support and dedication to summoning our better angels every day. Have a wonderful Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Yours Truly, 

Glenda Hatchett, Georgia Blue Project


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Georgia Blue PRoject
PO Box 60558
Philadelphia, PA 19145
United States