Dear John, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew more than anyone about the dangers of anti-democratic forces working against the dream of a fully representative, multiracial democracy. The insurgency attack at the U.S. Capitol and threats at state capitols across the country make abundantly clear that those forces are as alive today as they were before and during the civil rights movement. It is incumbent on all of us to work for Dr. King’s vision of a racially just democracy because — as he exhorted — “Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.” For too long those promises have not been realized and shared by all Americans. Please take time Monday to honor his legacy with action at the events listed here and by joining us in our campaign to build a more inclusive, responsive democracy so that “we might,” as Professor Danielle Allen explained in the Washington Post following George Floyd’s murder, “at last build a full, inclusive social compact that empowers all and delivers effective and responsive governance to an empowered citizenry.” Contact your legislator today and urge them to support HF 89 to help create a more racially just democracy. To view the full video of our event, Creating a Racially Just Democracy with Professor Allen, Stephen Heintz, Senator Tina Smith and Sondra Samuels, President and CEO of the Northside Achievement Zone, click here. Thank you for all that you do to honor Dr. King’s vision today and every day.
Jeanne Massey |