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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 26 September


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Secularism in the media


Vatican refuses requests for child abuse inquiry evidence

The Vatican is continuing to refuse to co-operate with requests to provide witnesses and evidence about child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church to the IICSA public inquiry.

The Times (£)


Scottish councils ‘hostile’ to Catholic schools, claims bishop – NSS quoted

A Catholic bishop has accused councillors of orchestrating a "hostile" attempt to diminish the church's influence over education.

The Times (£)


Government backtracks on non-stun meat labelling – NSS quoted

The environment secretary has appeared to backtrack on the government's previous position on the labelling of meat from unstunned animals.

Farming UK


Council in North Somerset votes to abolish prayers before meetings

North Somerset Council has scrapped the ritual of saying Christian prayers before meetings.

Somerset Live


Charedi education activist says Labour has assured him it won’t abolish faith schools

Charedi Jewish activist Shraga Stern, who has played a prominent part in recent campaigns against inclusive education, says he has received assurances that the Labour party will not abolish faith schools. It is unclear whether he was referring to state or private faith schools.

The Jewish Chronicle


UK courts powerless to prevent deportation of girl, 10, at risk of FGM

A British court has said it has no power to stop the deportation of a 10-year-old girl at risk of female genital mutilation after authorities rejected her mother's asylum application.

The Guardian


Abortion legal across Australia after New South Wales decriminalisation

Abortion has been decriminalised across Australia after the last remaining state where it was illegal, New South Wales, voted to reform its laws.



Catholic Church swamped with hundreds of new sex abuse claims in Australian state after legal change

The Catholic Church in Victoria is facing at least 800 new legal actions for child sexual abuse in the wake of landmark legislation allowing victims to sue the church and revisit unfair settlements made under in-house compensation schemes.

Canberra Times


Man accused of blasphemy in Pakistan acquitted after nearly 20 years

Pakistan's Supreme Court on Wednesday acquitted a blasphemy accused who was earlier sentenced to death by the trial and high court, two decades after he was accused.

Outlook India


China is killing religious and ethnic minorities and harvesting their organs, UN Human Rights Council told

The Chinese government is harvesting and selling organs from persecuted religious and ethnic minorities on an industrial scale, the UN Human Rights Council has been told.

The Independent


Assisting a suicide is not always a crime, rules Italian court

Italy's constitutional court has ruled it was not always a crime to help someone in "intolerable suffering" kill themselves, opening the way for a change of law in the predominantly Catholic country.

The Guardian


Latest from the NSS


Operation Christmas Child: Does its charity benefit the public?

Samaritan's Purse is again launching its Christmas shoebox scheme in parts of the UK. The harm done by Operation Christmas Child should prompt a rethink of this Evangelical group's charitable status, says Megan Manson.


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