Every year on the third Monday in January, Americans honor and celebrate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who profoundly impacted so many Americans' lives.
Dr. King didn't endorse violence or hate; instead, he called for light and love. In 1963, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King wrote the words: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
When violence against Black Americans was high, Dr. King, a man who had every reason to be violent, preached and practiced the complete opposite.
We must not forget Dr. King's words or the example he set for us. Our country is going through a transition period, and there is a lot of hate and darkness around us, but we can't let it consume us. Instead, love and light will help us heal and move forward.
That doesn't mean we don't hold those around us accountable, but we need to move on once done. We can't dwell on the past.
We hope you can take these lessons from Dr. King and our country can start on a new path forward.
Fight for Progress