Dear John,

Today is the first day of No Name-Calling Week, and we’re calling on you to make a commitment to kindness. To ensure that all LGBTQ+ youth feel #SafeToBe, we need your support. Our words matter. Our actions matter. They can be the difference between making a school a safe space or a hostile one. Whether you’re interacting with a friend, a family member, or a complete stranger – kindness counts.

Will you commit to kindness by adding your name?

Here are some ways you can make your commitment to kindness – don’t worry, we have all you need to get started:

  1. Educate yourself on inclusive terminology and ally actions
  2. Listen with active eagerness and affirm names and identities that are shared
  3. Speak up for LGBTQ+ students — inside and out of the classroom
  4. Consider the power behind your words and actions and choose kindness
  5. Model inclusivity and compassion for others

This week we’re turning the chapter on four years characterized by bullying language and actions, increased violence and harassment, for LGBTQ+ students and so many more. Let’s mark this new chapter, new year, and new administration with our own commitments to making the world a kinder place through our actions.

Kindness is just the start of this incredible week. We have an amazing schedule of virtual events lined up:

Today: GLSEN Bulletin Instagram Live (@GLSEN) at 6:30 PM ET

Tuesday: Storytime — Lulu the One and Only at 12:30 PM ET

Wednesday: GSA Activity — #SafeToBe Vision Board

Thursday: Storytime — I am Jazz at 12:30 PM ET

Friday: #SafeToBe Rally at 7 PM ET

This week is going to be a great one. Thank you for your commitment and participation.

In Kindness,
Becca Mui
Education Manager


110 William Street
30th Floor
New York, NY 10038
United States
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
