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Quote “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” - MLK Jr.

Dear NCRC members and allies,

As we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, we sit on the eave of the first Black, first South Asian and first woman Vice Presidential inauguration. In just two days, Kamala Harris will take the oath and break a mountainous glass ceiling. This, combined with the key economic and civil rights leadership positions this administration has already nominated, gives us hope for 2021 and a future where a just economy is not a dream to millions of Americans.

But this does not mean we are blind to the recent insurgency filled with racist rhetoric and deep-seeded division. There is still a tall mountain to climb ahead of us. We must seize upon the knowledge of injustice. And we must rebuild better than ever, and not just economically, but racially, socially, politically and environmentally. 

Economic justice and equality for the poor was central to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for civil rights. Honoring his legacy must include championing his unfulfilled dream of fairness and equity in the financial and economic sectors. This is more important than ever as the coronavirus pandemic exacerbates ongoing disparities in low-wealth communities and makes it even more difficult for families to rebound. With your support, NCRC can continue to uphold economic justice as a civil right and fight to increase investments in low-wealth communities.

Although the real work lies ahead, we remain optimistic because of the amazing work of our partners. The support of our members and allies is invaluable as we stand together to make monumental strides for the communities most in need.

Thanks for all that you do!

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