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Monday, January 18, 2021

What Is Fascism? It’s the System We’ve Been Living under for Decades.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Free Lunches for One and All

David Stockman

No ‘Virus’ Pandemic Exists: The Covid Fraud Is Nothing More Than a Cover for Many Other Evils

Gary D. Barnett

Google Is Not What It Seems

Julian Assange

The Establishment Has Prepared Another Assault on Trump America

Paul Craig Roberts

How Hoover’s FBI Murdered Martin Luther King Jr.

Phillip F. Nelson

Despair, Depression, and the Inevitable Rise of Trump 2.0

Glenn Greenwald tells RT his Biden administration predictions.

Trauma Drama

Taki Theodoracopulos

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

Pepe Escobar

MSM Calls For ‘New Definition of Free Speech’

New buzzwords in the mainstream media bubble spell trouble for those outside it. Kit Knightly

There Is Still Time for Trump To Do the Right Thing

Jacob G. Hornberger

Illusion of Freedom

Jim Quinn

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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