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GOP Leaders in D.C. Don’t Represent 74 Million Trump Voters
We have no leadership. McConnell and co. are Democrat lite.

GOP Leaders in D.C. Don't Represent 74 Million Trump Voters

By: Wayne Allyn Root, Townhall, Jan 17, 2021:

The media lie. All the time. They lied about former President Barack ...

Fleeing Political Persecution, NRA Files for Bankruptcy, Moving From New York To Texas
New York is run by the Democrat criminal syndicate. The Attorney General is pursues political prosecutions while allowing violent criminals to prowl the streets.

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics

NRA files for bankruptcy, moving from New York to ...

Fox News CEO Job Is in Jeopardy, Insiders Say
I am sure Scott was merely following the orders of the spoiled, no-talent Murdoch sons.

Fox News is in the toilet, where it should be.

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott’s Job Is in Jeopardy, Insiders Say

By, January 16, 2021

In ...

Former Facebook Exec Calls For OANN, Newsmax to be Deplatformed: ‘We Have to Turn Down the Capability of Conservative Influencers to Reach Huge Audiences’
The fix is in, we needn't eat our hearts out.President Trump gave us four good years. We found out more than we'd ever know about government, the players, and history.

We don't deserve any more of his goodness because on the whole, most of the ...

Report: Biden Already in Talks with World’s Largest State Sponsor of Terror Iran over Return to Nuclear Weapons Pact
The victory of Donald Trump in 2016 (and 2020) was a response, a complete repudiation of the disastrous Obama presidency. The country will not sit still for Obama 2.0.

The Biden administration has already unrolled its plan to return to the 2015 ...

Paypal BLOCKS Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo
The US is imploding…..

Paypal says it blocked Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo

Digital payments processor confirms account closed for event organizer Ali Alexander, report says

Paypal says it blocked Christian crowdfunding site ...

Goosestepping Loews Hotels CANCELS Josh Hawley Event After He Stood For Election Integrity
Here again, we see the consequences of the right standing by and doing nothing while we were canceled. If they took a stand at first, we would not be here – most horribly – at last.

Josh Hawley’s Florida fundraiser canceled by Loews ...

Pamela Geller: American Thinker: The Actions of The Guilty
Please read my latest column over at the Thinker.

I was suspended for saying the

e l e c t i o n was s t o l e n.

The Dem’s objective is to make it verboten, silence us completely, like it never happened, make people afraid to talk ...

The New York Times Loves Iran, and Wants You to Love It, Too
Photo: Neda Solton shot dead in cold blood during peaceful protest against Islamic regime's reign of terror.

“People see Iran as politically charged and oppressive,” wrote Neeknaz Abari in the New York Times this week, “But there is a lot ...

Islamic zealotry becoming more evident among Palestinians
A musical event that took place at a historical site located several miles east of Jerusalem may have revealed what the Palestinians have constantly tried to hide, that is the depth of radical Islam and its role in forming their identity.

It is ...

Trump Administration Accomplishments
President Trump is the greatest POTUS ever. What he accomplished in 4 short years (despite unprecedented obstruction) is nothing short of a miracle. President Trump will be missed, but he will also be back. You can take that to the bank. ...

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