During last week's violent attack on Congress that left 5 people dead, one attacker illegally photographing Senate documents confided, "I think Cruz would want us to do this." A reporter for The New Yorker got it on video.

After fueling the fire for weeks that Trump had lit among his supporters that the election was being stolen -- and even after the attack on Congress -- Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and 145 other Republicans in the House and Senate voted to overturn the democratic election results.

Sign the petition to EXPEL Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and every last one of the Republican traitors who were complicit and voted to overturn Democracy. They have no business being in Congress.

And, watch the video that shows how Cruz's words were heard by the mob. Then, donate to build pressure in Congress to expel these traitors. There MUST be accountability.

Video shows attackers saying 'Cruz would want us to do this.'

Progressive Congresswoman Cori Bush told PCCC members this week:

We have to hold them accountable and force them to face the consequences for their actions. They have violated their Oath of Office and, per Section 3 of the 14th Amendment -- they must be expelled.

What we do in the wake of this attack is critical to how we heal as a country. We cannot have unity without accountability for the Republican members of Congress who incited this violence.

Sign the petition to EXPEL Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and all the other complicit Republican members of Congress.

And, donate to help build pressure in Congress for REAL accountability for these traitors.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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