As the Trump presidency ends, and the Biden presidency begins, there are reportedly protests planned throughout the country. Federal and local law enforcement officials have indicated that many who attend these protests will be armed

I will give you the same advice I give family members, friends, and constituents who inquire: ‘Don’t go. Don’t go to Washington, D.C. or your state capitol. Stay home or go to work instead.’

If you wish to participate in the inauguration, make it a virtual participation.

I sincerely hope that all planned protests will be peaceful and without incident. I condemn violence of any kind.

As President Trump recently said, ‘Whether you are on the right or on the left, a Democrat or a Republican, there is never a justification for violence. No excuses, no exceptions. America is a nation of laws.’

Peaceful assembly and expression are important rights recognized in our First Amendment, but violence, rioting, vandalism, and looting are wrong and must be condemned.

God bless America.


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