Look — we really hate to do this, but we have no choice.

We’re not on track to reach our first fundraising goal of the year. The deadline is on Tuesday and according to our calculations, we’re about $4,942 off.

With everything that’s been going on in the Senate, John has been spending every minute focusing on his important job — and well, our fundraising has fallen behind.

We have to hit our target to stay on track and power our fights for the year ahead, but we’re running out of time to catch up. So, we’re asking:

If you can, will you pitch in a donation of any amount today to help us reach our critical fundraising goal on Tuesday? Your support allows John to stay focused on his job, not dialing for dollars.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for anything you can give today. It truly makes a difference.

— Team Hick