From Logan Bayroff, J Street <[email protected]>
Subject Street Talk: January 2021
Date January 17, 2021 2:07 PM
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Dear Friend,

Earlier this month, we saw perhaps the starkest ever split-screen of two
profoundly different visions for our country. On Tuesday, January 5, two
impressive, unifying candidates -- both endorsed by JStreetPAC -- emerged
victorious in two of the most consequential Senate races in decades.
Overcoming the odds and the many smears and disingenuous attacks leveled
against them, Rev. Raphael Warnock became Georgia’s first-ever black
Senator-elect and Jon Ossoff became Georgia’s first Jewish Senator-elect.
The significance of this victory is profound not only for its legislative
implications, but for its clear demonstration of unity and solidarity. The
majority of Georgia voters rejected campaigns of hate, lies and fear,
overcoming them with a powerful multi-faith, multi-racial, values-based

If these victories show us the heights our country is capable of,
Wednesday, January 6 showed us the depths -- as a mob of white nationalist
extremists led a violent attack on the heart of our democracy, determined
to overturn the results of a free and fair election. As images of Trump
supporters storming the Capitol were beamed across the world, our screens
became a window into the angry, crazed and anti-democratic future that
some of the president’s supporters want.

Following the pain, anguish and anger of the past ten days and Trump’s
fully-deserved second impeachment, it is clearer than ever that right-wing
forces will fight tooth and nail against every measure of progress
advanced by President-elect Biden -- and against his very legitimacy as
president. There’s no doubt they will fiercely oppose J Street’s agenda
when it comes to US foreign policy, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
the pursuit of social justice at home.

But we also know that together -- after our shared victory in 2020 -- we
have what it takes to counter their attacks and continue our work toward a
proud new era of American leadership grounded in a commitment to
democracy, peace, diplomacy and human rights. Thank you for standing with
us in this struggle.

Logan Bayroff
Communications Director

Around J Street

J Street calls for Trump’s removal following Capitol Hill insurrection

[1]Remove Trump
Following the insurrection at the Capitol, J Street condemned President
Trump’s major role in inciting the attack and swiftly called for his
removal from office, by impeachment if necessary.

As shocking as this attack was, the markers leading us to this precipice
have been visible for all to see. For years, J Street and many, many
others have warned that President Trump and his enablers were fueling the
cancerous growth of white-nationalist, antisemitic, anti-democratic forces
within our nation. Even before he was elected president, we said in March
2016 that Trump was unfit to serve as president and warned of “the threat
of demagogues who prey on fear and peddle prejudice while inciting their
supporters to violence.” Since then, our determination to oppose Trump’s
dangerous policies and help defend our democracy from his attacks has
never wavered for a moment.

History shows us that there is nothing guaranteed about democracy or
democratic freedoms. Moving forward, it will take vigilance and
determination from all those who believe in democracy to defend it,
strengthen it and hold accountable those who have weakened and continue to
attack it. J Street is proud to be part of the vast majority of Americans
and American Jews who are standing together to do that work.
[ [link removed] ]Read our full statement calling for Trump's removal →

Historic victories for JStreetPAC endorsees Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff

[3]Ossoff and Warnock
The twin victories of JStreetPAC endorsees and Senators-elect Raphael
Warnock and Jon Ossoff heralded the start of a new era of leadership in
the Senate -- and the end of Senator Mitch McConnell’s destructive tenure
as majority leader.

Between Election Day and last Tuesday’s runoff election, thousands of J
Street supporters stepped up to donate, organize and volunteer. Together,
our pro-Israel, pro-peace movement made thousands of voter contacts and
raised over $380,000 for the Ossoff and Warnock campaigns and over
$115,000 for Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight voter mobilization group. Special
thanks go to J Street’s Atlanta chapter and student activists who chipped
in on the ground in Georgia.

In this new era, JStreetPAC endorsees will now hold the White House as
well as significant majorities within the majority party in both the House
and Senate -- accomplishing all the major goals that we set out for
ourselves in the 2020 cycle. This gives our movement a major opportunity
to push for measures to fortify our democratic institutions at home, help
end the occupation in the Palestinian territories and secure Israel’s
long-term future as a truly democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

Join J Street for an inauguration night celebration!

[4]inauguration stage
On Wednesday, January 20, the Trump administration will at long last come
to an end -- and Joe Biden will be inaugurated as the 46th president of
the United States. To celebrate this critical moment that so many of us
worked so hard to help achieve, J Street will be holding a celebratory
call at 7:30pm ET that evening, featuring members of Congress and other
guest stars, hosted by J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami. We’ll take stock
of what this moment means and look ahead at what could be on the horizon
for our country and for the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.
[ [link removed] ]Register now →

150 representatives sign J Street-backed letter supporting Iran deal re-entry

[6]President-elect Biden
In late December, J Street welcomed a vital letter signed by a significant
majority of House Democrats which expresses strong support for
President-elect Biden’s stated goal of a speedy return to the JCPOA
nuclear agreement.

Led by Representatives David E. Price, Barbara Lee, Jan Schakowsky,
Gregory Meeks, Joaquin Castro, Abigail D. Spanberger and Brad Sherman, the
150 signatories represent a large and diverse cross-section of the House
Democratic Caucus. The letter makes clear that there is broad support for
a mutual return to compliance with the nuclear deal by Iran and the United
States, as a starting point for diplomatic efforts to address Iran’s other
destabilizing activities in the region -- and more than enough
congressional support to ensure that no harmful legislation designed to
block reentry to the agreement could become law.

Over the past four years, President Trump’s violation of the deal and call
for ‘maximum pressure’ have proven to be a dramatic failure, pushing Iran
and the United States closer to conflict and resulting in the resumption
of some Iranian nuclear activities previously banned under the agreement.
A 2020 Election Night survey commissioned by J Street found that an
overwhelming 74% of Jewish voters nationwide support re-entering the
[ [link removed] ]See the full letter and list of signers →

Important J Street National Conference update

[8]Conference Logo
After careful consideration, J Street’s 2021 National Conference -- our
most important event of the year, and our first-ever virtual conference --
will now be held on April 18-19.

While the conference was originally scheduled for late February, our team
has made this decision to ensure we can deliver the richest and most
engaging virtual event possible, taking full advantage of some of the new
systems and platforms that have been rapidly developing during the
pandemic to help take virtual gatherings to the next level. While the date
has changed, our commitment to delivering the most accessible, engaging
and interactive conference ever has not. This gathering will mark a
crucial moment for our pro-Israel, pro-peace movement, for the American
Jewish community and for pro-diplomacy progressives across the country. We
can’t wait to see you there!

This will be a can’t miss event for our movement, and we need all our
supporters to join us to plan for the year ahead and make our voices

[ [link removed] ]Register today with code “NewDay” for 15% off of your registration fee
[ [link removed] ]Register now →

Israeli Election: This time it’s different… maybe

[11]Ballot box
As Israelis endure their third nationwide lockdown and gear up for a
fourth election in 24 months, there’s a feeling among pundits and
prognosticators that after three elections with similar, deadlocked
results, this time could be different.

This year, Netanyahu’s top rival is no longer centrist Blue and White
leader Benny Gantz but renegade Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar and his freshly
minted right-wing party, New Hope. To remain in power and evade corruption
charges, Netanyahu must win enough seats for his Likud party to deny Sa'ar
the ability to form a center-right coalition without him -- polls show
that proposition is currently on a knife-edge.

To follow all the ups and downs of the latest Israeli election as leaders
race toward the March 23 polling date, sign up for J Street’s Israeli
Election Updates.
[ [link removed] ]Sign up →

Must Reads
Progressive Israel Network
Progressive Israel Network Groups Oppose Codification of IHRA
[13]Biden Working Definition of Antisemitism, Citing Strong Potential for
[ [link removed] ]Read more →
Jerusalem Post
[15]JCPOA Restoring Iran nuclear deal is good for Israel
[ [link removed] ]Read more →
The New Yorker
[17]Trump and Netanyahu Trump's Legacy in Israel
[ [link removed] ]Read more →
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[2]Street Talk Logo
© 2021 J Street | [ [link removed] ] | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who
want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish
people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate
policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish
and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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