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China’s Security Chief Optimistic Defeating the USA
With Beijing Biden and the stolen election they already have.

The CCP knows that any country that would install Beijing Biden in the White House, seeks to silence the 74+ million people who voted for Trump, demonize Trump after he did so much ...

Trump receives Morocco’s highest award for Middle East peace
Kudos to the leadership of Morocco for this gesture. President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his unbelievable accomplishments in the Middle East. We are going to appreciate President Trump much more in the coming months. That is because ...

Rand Paul: One-third of Republicans will leave party if GOP senators go along with convicting Trump
More like two-thirds, Senator Paul. The Republican Party would cease to exist.

Rand Paul: One-third of Republicans will leave party if GOP senators go along with convicting Trump

By January 16, 2020

Sen. Rand Paul warned of a mass ...

Blue state exodus could flip the political map upside down, turning red states purple
The D-bags destroy and befoul the cities, towns, states where they live – then flee the havoc and ruin to destroy and befoul their next target.

American's are leaving Blue states in droves. Here is the problem. Americans who are fleeing blue ...

Proclamation on Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2021
On August 28, 1963, just a century after the Emancipation Proclamation, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led more than 200,000 Americans in a March on Washington in pursuit of jobs and freedom for all people.  Standing on the steps of the ...

Beijing Biden Calls for “At Least” a $15 Minimum Wage
The D-bags destroyed small business with the political weaponization of COVID lockdowns.

This is the death blow.

Even the stock market tanked on this news.

We can see that the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party will have ...

Beijing Biden Plots Early Legislation To 11 million Illegal Immigrants Citzenship
Taking the jobs from American minorities — pity those minorties remain shackled to the party of slavery.

Democrats need voters to cover their notorious election fraud. Illegals will do nicely.

Biden plans early legislation to offer legal ...

VIDEO: “If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn’t F-ing Elect You!” – DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)
The election was stolen — they know it.

“If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn’t F-ing Elect You!” – DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)

By: ...

Markets Fret Over Sanders’ Role As Head Of Budget Committee, Stocks Flat As Investors Brush Off Impeachment Plans
A socialist is now the head of the powerful Senate Budget Committee, the committee that is responsible for drafting Congress's annual budget plan. Bernie wants free healthcare, free childcare, and the elimination of all student debt. Get ready for ...

Black Lives Matter Insurrectionist who was arrested over the Capitol riot “incites violence and sparked militia movement” says brother who turned him in
Sullivan’s brother also told the FBI that there were more than 250 ANTIFA and BLM agitators in the crowd.

His brother says the Antifa/BLM insurrectionist was behind the siege. Sullivan should be charged with Ashli Babbit's MURDER.


Another SOROS-FUNDED Antifa Insurrectionist Daniel Baker Arrested or Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters
Nowhere in the legacy media are you seeing these reports. Soros is their paymaster. It's always Soros.

Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan featured on CNN

Antifa supporter Daniel Alan Baker featured on VICE

Both arrested this week ...

MORE LIES EXPOSED: Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Insane Allegation of Plot to Kill Lawmakers During Capitol Protest
The whole thing was a set-up to shut down and criminalize the biggest political scandal in story – our election – our country – was stolen by America's worst enemy(s).

And remember the traitorous RINOs who stabbed us in the back. ...

After Trump bans, Facebook and Twitter see combined $51 billion in losses
Not enough!

After Trump bans, Facebook and Twitter see combined $51 billion in losses

Investors react negatively to surprise banishment of sitting president.

By Daniel Payne, Just The News, January 15, 2021 – 12:13pm

Facebook and ...

Newly Released Docs Show THEY KNEW EARLY: FBI, State officials aware early on Steele made major mistake in Russia reporting
D-bags knew — from the beginning. – that the Russia hoax was just that. It was a pretext for a soft coup and still, no one has gone to prison.

Concerned FBI agent started an 'enhanced validation' of Christopher Steele, but bosses stopped it ...

Minnesota Muslim Pleads Guilty to Joining/Fighting For Islamic State
Abdelhamid Al-Madioum grew up in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, and graduated from high school in suburban Minneapolis, according to WCCO-TV reporter Holly Williams, who found him in a prison in Northeastern Syria.

According to United States ...

Israel begins prepping for the Biden Administration’s return to the Iran Nuclear Deal
Very troubling times could be ahead for the U.S-Israel relationship, and the Middle East as a whole. Read Caroline Glick's piece from Israel Hayom. Pray for America and pray for Israel.

Related – Wary of Biden tack on Iran, Israel revisits ...


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