Tonight, Fair Fighters are hosting watch parties in Georgia and across the country to screen the film, Suppressed: The Fight to Vote. This documentary uncovers the insidious tactics politicians across the country use to suppress the vote and stay in power.
Will you commit to watch the film? Add your name and we’ll send you a link where you can stream the 38-minute documentary right from your computer, tablet, or smart TV.

The truth is that voter suppression is an intentional, systemic response to increased engagement from voters of color, immigrants, and low income voters.
We have to recognize that while voter suppression may no longer resemble the images of fire hoses or the laws that explicitly forbade people of color from voting, the same forces that activists and civil rights leaders battled 50 years ago continue to stifle democracy today.
But the film does more than tell the story of the voter suppression and election mismanagement we saw here in Georgia last year, it reminds us that we can fight together to achieve a future where all Americans can freely exercise their fundamental right to vote.
We’re grateful that you are part of our movement to ensure free and fair elections.
- Team Fair Fight