Green Party of the United States

Image of Apartment Buildings — Tell Congress Housing is a Human


Dear Friend,

Do you know what it's like to come home to see an eviction notice taped to your door? Or to have that be the last thing you see as you leave your home for the day, trying to go out and make your way in the world?

It's scary. It hits you in the pit of your stomach. The worst part? By this point, you've already been walking the high wire of housing insecurity for months. Now you're in freefall. Out of time.

Now imagine all of this is happening during a global pandemic, when jobs and support are even more difficult to come by. 40 million Americans are on the verge of that nightmare, right now.

The Green Party can't run candidates to win housing, healthcare, education and jobs for all — as basic human rights — without your help. Give to the Green Party today to support organizing efforts, candidate recruitment, training and campaign support. No matter who is in the White House, we know the corporate parties won't deliver for everyday people!

None of these nightmares are necessary. And if that's unacceptable to you, then please go to our action page right now and tell Congress it is long past time that we make housing a human right throughout this COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

And make sure you share this action alert with your community, your family and friends.

This housing crisis has been an open wound in our society for generations. Job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic has poured salt in that wound. Stopgap measures, like Congress has put forward so far, will not address the underlying issue: Our country lacks any cohesive plan to address the housing crisis.

The recent stimulus package passed by Congress allocates $25 billion for rental assistance but extends the national eviction moratorium only to the end of January. Twenty-five billion dollars amounts to $650 per person — that doesn’t even cover one month’s rent for the average one-bedroom apartment in the U.S. And the end of January is just over two weeks away.

For over two decades, Green Party candidates ranging from Village Board to President of the United States have campaigned to transform housing from a commodity exploited for maximum profit to a community good guided by human needs. When Greens run for office, organize and win power we can:

  • guarantee tenants’ rights nationwide
  • defend and expand cities' rights to enact local rent control laws
  • enforce fair housing laws to prevent discrimination
  • provide safe and stable housing for the homeless
  • preserve and create affordable housing, including public housing and community land trusts

Tell your representatives in Congress that is the world we demand, that is what we are fighting for and we will win that world at the ballot box and in the streets.


If you can give to the Green Party today, we can keep organizing pressure campaigns like this to hold politicians' feet to the fire. It's an important tool for building the base we need to win elections and win relief for suffering communities.

We wish you safety and solidarity, as so many are struggling right now. Please look out for each other.

Kristin Combs
Green Party of the United States

P.S. If you're ready to maximize your impact, support the Green Party over the whole year as a Monthly Sustainer. Greens who give monthly make it possible for us to plan comprehensive organizing and campaign strategies. The corporate duopoly is always strategizing to defeat us. That means we have to fight smart and build for the long-term in order to win.


Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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