Dear Comrade,
Most of you have already helped our Letter Campaign send 172 (and counting) letters to members of Akron City Council. If you have a few minutes to spare this weekend, I'm asking you to do a bit more.
1) Please submit a public comment before the January 25th council meeting. Unfortunately, we won't be given the opportunity to speak, but comments emailed to [email protected] will be read at the meeting and comments recorded (3 minutes or less) to 330-375-2566 will be played. Council is most likely to listen to those who live, work, or are otherwise affiliated with Akron, or have expert knowledge of the subject, so please state this as part of your comment. Specify that you are opposed to the ordinance authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into an oil and/or gas lease agreement with DP Energy Auburn, LLC for the mineral rights of approximately 475 acres of City-owned land at the Watershed for gas/oil extraction.
2) If you live in Akron, please consider making a personal appeal by phone or e-mail to your councilperson.
3) Attend an emergency public stakeholders meeting with Akron DSA, Our Revolution Akron, and Big Love Network for discussion on additional strategies at 2PM on Saturday, January 16. DSA members with expert environmental or legal knowledge are especially encouraged to attend this meeting. Others will gain perspective from listening.
4) Write a letter to the editor about this issue to your favorite local paper(s).
A special DSA strategy meeting will be held in the near future. Until then, we would love to hear your ideas and we are happy to support you in any of the above actions.
In solidarity,
Heather (she/they), Akron DSA Co-Chair