Guns have no place in our democratic process


John, this is what taking action, not sides, is all about.

The House of Representatives’ historic vote to impeach Donald Trump wasn't about partisanship, but rather protecting the safety of our country — now and in the future. But our fight for accountability is only getting started. The House has done their job, and now it’s time for the Senate to do theirs. 

We at Brady are demanding that Donald Trump be immediately convicted and removed from office for inciting the bloodshed at the U.S. Capitol. Please, contact your senators and demand they convict Trump immediately.

We must unite and do everything in our power to ensure that Trump can never run for president again. We know the NRA singlehandedly bought his presidency in 2016, and he threatens to continue to do their dangerous bidding in pushing to "LIBERATE" armed extremists. Please, John, tell your senators to convict President Trump and permanently remove his ability to hold public office again.

We will, together, let Trump know that he's not above the law. Thank you for protecting our democracy and safety alongside Brady.

Tell Your State Legislators: #NoGunsInGovSpaces

We shouldn’t have to say this, but there's no place for guns in our democratic process, John. Yet even after the deadly attack at the Capitol, the FBI has shared that armed protests are being planned at capitols in all 50 states. 

We know all too well that the presence of firearms heightens tensions and exacerbates violent confrontations, leading to deadly consequences. 

That’s why we’re urgently calling on state elected officials across the country to ban firearms at state capitols, legislative buildings, and all polling places. We cannot risk any further violence in our democratic process. Please, make your voice heard today!

Join Brady and #StandWithVirginia in 2021

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day nearly one year ago, nearly 20,000 out-of-state pro-gun extremists — many armed with AR-15s — traveled to the Virginia State Capitol to oppose common-sense gun laws introduced by the state assembly. 

But not even armed extremists could stop our progress, John. The common-sense bills they opposed — including expanded background checks on gun sales and a measure to keep guns out of the hands of children — became law this summer. This was the will of the people in action, and it came after Virginians flipped their legislature to a gun safety majority.  

This we know: Elections matter. And if we can pass gun reform in Virginia — which is home to the NRA headquarters — then we can do so anywhere. 

This past November, we took our lessons from Virginia and put them to work to flip the House, Senate, and White House to gun safety majorities. We won because we refuse to be intimidated. We lobby. We show up. We persist. And our work to strengthen our country’s gun laws is just getting started. This week, the Virginia state legislature returned to session, and we are already hard at work to make gun reform a priority again this year! 

Sarah Brady, one of our namesakes, always said, "If you can’t change the laws, change the lawmakers." John, will you share our graphic on Facebook? If change can happen in Virginia, it can happen nationwide!

🎧 Episode 110: Insurrection at the Capitol — What's Broken and How to Fix it

We kick off season two of "Red, Blue, and Brady" by discussing the NRA and gun lobby's role in peddling armed insurrection and the urgent steps we must take to protect our democracy from further violent attacks. We're joined by Joshua Horwitz, an expert on guns and insurrection and the executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.


N.R.A. Declares Bankruptcy and Seeks to Exit New York, The New York Times

NRA Seeks Bankruptcy Protection, Plans Move from New York to Texas, NBC News

Ahead of Nationwide Armed Protests, Brady Calls on State Legislatures to Prohibit Open and Concealed Carrying of Firearms in Legislative Buildings, Brady

Brady Applauds Maryland Senate Override of Gov. Hogan's Veto of Gun Violence Prevention Funding, Brady

Threats Against Journalists Feel More Dangerous in 2021, Crosscut

Brady Marks Beginning of the 2021 Virginia Legislative Session, Brady

Shepard Fairey “AK-47 Lotus” & “AR-15 Lily” Print Release – January 7th, All Street Art

Following the attack at the U.S. Capitol and planned armed protests in states across the country, the Michigan Capitol Commission took immediate action and banned firearms inside their state capitol. Their proactive decision will save lives. We thank Michigan state legislators for leading the way in protecting their constituents and our democratic institutions!


“The NRA cannot be allowed to declare bankruptcy to try to escape potential criminal and civil accountability in New York. ...[They] can run, but they can’t hide, and their days are numbered. No organization is above the law.”

— Brady President Kris Brown in The New York Times


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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
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