My fellow Young Democrats-
In an effort to keep everyone informed this year, I am introducing the President’s Friday Fireside Chats. Much like during the time of FDR, we are facing times of uncertainty and crisis but as I have said before, we are the leaders we are waiting for to help us through them. I want to make sure that all of our members are getting information not just about everything internal to AYD, but also pertaining to what is happening in our surrounding community and in our commonwealth and how you all can help make a difference.
With that being said…
As you may know, the 2021 Virginia legislative session gaveled in this week and you’re going to hear a lot of pitches for what bills you need to pay attention to, but 2021 is the year to pass key pieces of legislation. There are many that I can discuss in our statewide chapter platform that you can read, but here are my top 5 in no particular order:
- Delegate Lee J. Carter's HB 1755 to Repeal "Right-to-Work": during a pandemic and an economic crisis, it is imperative that we give our workers’ the bargaining rights and representation they deserve. We must allow them to protect themselves from a deadly virus, unfair workplace practices, and unemployment in record numbers by allowing for Unions to thrive in Virginia. Write your legislators and tell them to cosponsor.
- Delegate Sam Rasoul's HB 1973 for a Green New Deal and Delegate Joshua Cole's bill for a fossil fuel moratorium: We currently have a series of intersectional crises happening in the United States with the economy, public health, and the climate. A Green New Deal is essential to combatting all of these together and only when we take the bold action necessary to make sure that they are acted upon will we be successful. Sign the petition to send a message to the General Assembly Leadership to pass the Green New Deal and Moratorium.
- Delegate Steve Herretick’s HB 1815 to legalize cannabis and set up a regulatory scheme for the cultivation, manufacturing, sale, and testing of cannabis in Virginia: We have thousands of Black and Brown individuals that are sitting in prisons in Virginia for simple non-violent, possession charges. It is time for the Commonwealth to finally move away from prohibition. We cannot continue to jail people, and disproportionately Black and Brown people, for actions that should not be felonies in the first place. Learn more about Marijuana Justice in Virginia.
- Delegate Mark Levine’s HB 1933 and Senator Adam Ebbin’s SB 1101 to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact: As we have seen in each Presidential Election in recent years, the Electoral College is incredibly inefficient and does not reflect the will of the majority of Americans. If Virginia joins the NPVIC, all 13 electoral votes will be promised to the winner of the popular vote, no exceptions. So far, 15 states and the District of Columbia have joined the compact equalling 198 electoral votes. The goal is to get to 270 to effectively render the Electoral College obsolete and Virginia should do their part to help out by joining. Learn more here.
- Delegate Ibraheem Samirah’s HB 1756 to ban contributions from Dominion and other public service corporations: Finally, none of these will be possible if we allow for corporations to buy their way into the process. We must demand that money from publicly regulated utilities such as Dominion is taken out of the legislature in order for us to have a process that truly represents the people of Virginia. Demand that your legislators swear off these campaign contributions and co-sponsor HB 1756.
You can make a difference in our legislative process if you make your voice heard by your elected officials. It’s clear that these issues are not right or left. These are bottom up issues and it is time that the people let the General Assembly know what we demand from our legislature: Representation. Transparency. Accountability.
How do you do that?
Glad you asked. The Virginia Young Democrats are hosting their annual lobby day this Monday, January 18th. Young Democrats from around the commonwealth will come together virtually to talk with their delegates and state senators. It is crucial that we as Arlington Young Dems show up in full force to this effort.
“Decisions are made by those who show up.”
I wrote in an article this fall that the legislative process is where we as young people can make the biggest difference. We campaign very hard to get who we want into office, but electing the right people is just the beginning. It is on the voice of the people to hold those same legislators accountable. So, if you are passionate about a local issue and want to do something about it, showing up is an important step in gaining the change you seek.
So are you willing to show up with us virtually on Monday?
Democratically yours,
Matt Royer
Arlington Young Democrats
Paid for by Arlington Young Dems
1235 S. Clark St. Suite 207
Arlington, VA 22202
United States
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The Arlington Young Democrats are a group of progressive and liberal individuals who provide an inclusive, growing, and empowering forum for all community members. We believe in: living our Democratic values, electing leaders who embody these values, elevating the voices of young people within the party at the local, state, and federal level, responding to the needs of the people, and furthering outreach and education while developing our future generation of leaders.
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