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Welcome to The Family Beacon from Minnesota Family Council! We're keeping YOU informed on life, family, and religious freedom issues in Minnesota and nationwide! Click on the bullet points to read this week's top stories, or scroll down to read more.

Is More Violence Coming? Pray for Peace!

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 As the days count down to the presidential inauguration on January 20th,the FBI believes that there are credible threats of violence in St. Paul, Washington D.C., and in state capitals around the country this weekend. The anti-government Boogaloo group has reportedly been scouting law enforcement arrangements at the Capitol in St. Paul. Security has been ramped up. National Guardsmen from Minnesota will be on patrol to keep people safe - some in St. Paul, and some in Washington D.C.

The atmosphere is, in some ways, reminiscent of last summer, when widespread riots also led to Minnesota’s National Guard being called up.

In the midst of hatred, violence, and division, where can we turn?

First and foremost, let us pray. Let us pray for peace in our nation, and peace in our hearts, and peace with our neighbors. Let us remember that “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (James 1:20), that we are called to “pursue what makes for peace” (Romans 14:19), and to practice “citizenship worthy of the Gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27).

Will you join us in praying for peace? Will you pray with us that cooler heads will prevail and that all those seeking to bring violence to our nation will be thwarted?

We serve a God who is our strength and refuge, and who hears us when we call upon Him (1 John 5:15).

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More Proof that Abortion Bans Save Lives

Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 10.06.09 AM.pngContrary to the abortion lobby’s claims, laws restricting abortions really do decrease abortion rates and recent research coming out of Texas confirms this. A recent study that was presented by the media and the abortion industry as “proof” that a temporary abortion ban led to increased second-trimester abortion rates once the ban was lifted actually showed that abortion rates declined due to the ban.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, Texas governor Greg Abbott issued an order putting non-essential and non-urgent medical procedures on hold, including most abortions. A recently released study argued that this move led to an increase in second-trimester abortions after the fact, citing the fact that second-trimester abortions increased by 61% once the ban was lifted. However, as Michael J. New pointed out at National Review, a closer look at the evidence tells a different story. 

New points out that the study shows that significantly fewer second-trimester abortions took place in February and March of 2020 than February and March of the previous year and that the total number of second-trimester abortions from February to May had decreased compared to 2019. Far from increasing abortion rates, Texas’s ban reduced the number of second trimester abortions performed in Texas in the spring of 2020. Not only that, but the number of abortions performed on Texas women in other states decreased by 8%, calling into question the claim that women will simply travel out of state to get an abortion when it is banned in their state.

Lives were saved because of Governor Abbott’s decision to halt abortion during the COVID-19 lockdowns. This is good news for Texas, and is also an important reminder that abortion bans work! (. . . CONTINUE READING)

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Gray_Line.png Supreme Court Halts Mail-Order Abortions Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 10.18.15 AM.png

On January 13th, in a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court reinstated FDA regulations on the abortion pill, reversing a lower court’s decision to waive FDA regulations and allow mail-order abortions during COVID-19.

Last year, during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, abortion advocates demanded that FDA safety regulations on the abortion pill be suspended, arguing that they were unduly burdensome. The abortion pill regimen is regulated under the FDA’s Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS) protocol. Under this protocol, a chemical abortion cannot be obtained without a physical examination, and the first of the two pills must be taken in the presence of a physician. In July, U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang accepted the abortion lobby’s demands and waived the FDA’s in-person requirement, disregarding the safety of women.

The abortion pill takes the life of an unborn child and does so in a way that is exceptionally dangerous to the child’s mother. Last year, a study found that the abortion pill is four times more dangerous than surgical abortion, and yet, the abortion industry downplays this fact. In the 20 years that it has been legal in the U.S., thousands of women have suffered from complications, and 24 women have died from the abortion pill regimen.

Waiving the in-person requirement only adds to the risks of the abortion pill. Without a medical examination, it cannot be verified that the gestational age of the baby is not more than 10 weeks or that the pregnancy is not ectopic, nor can the doctor verify whether the woman is Rh negative or positive. “In any of these cases,” reports Live Action News, “taking the abortion pill poses a potential health risk to the woman, including the possibility of future pregnancy loss, hysterectomy, and death.” (. . . CONTINUE READING)

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What will a Biden Administration Look Like?


On Wednesday, January 6th, Congress certified Joe Biden’s election to the US Presidency. Naturally, this raises the question: What will the Biden administration look like?

To be sure, the next four years promise to be much like the Obama years. However, the national mood is much different. And, because the House will be controlled by Democrats and the Senate is split 50-50, Congressional leadership (such as Nancy Pelosi) will be likely to push for very left-leaning proposals.

What’s on the agenda of Biden and the Left? Here’s our best analysis.

The Hyde Amendment

Since 1976, the federal Hyde amendment has prevented taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions in government programs like Medicaid. It is responsible for many lives saved and taxpayer dollars prevented from funding abortion.

Since 2016, the Democrat Party has included the repeal of the Hyde Amendment in its national platform. Their goal is to implement taxpayer funding of abortion nationwide. While Joe Biden had historically been a longtime supporter of the Hyde Amendment, he flip-flopped in a 2020 election year appeal to his liberal base and he now supports its repeal – essentially advocating for publicly funded abortion. (. . . CONTINUE READING)

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Holding Fast to the Word of Life: A Bible Reading Plan for 2021

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It’s the New Year! My team and I are rejoicing in God’s goodness to us in many ways in the year now behind us, despite the extraordinary challenges and disruptions we’ve all faced, as we look ahead to what He has in store for us in 2021.

Many contemplate what’s ahead this year, including inevitable challenges and difficulties, with anxiety or even dread. But not us. There are definitely challenges for us, like everyone else, but we view them as opportunities to “shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life”, something the world around us desperately needs (Philippians 2:15-16).

But here’s the thing about shining as lights in a world that urgently needs that light: we shine as long as, and only as long as, we hold fast to God’s Word, “the word of life.” If we’re holding fast, we’re shining; if we’re not holding fast, we’re not shining. It’s that simple.

So what’s involved in “holding fast to the word”? In my devotions this morning I saw an answer to that question in Psalm 1. You know how it starts – “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers” (v. 1). (. . . CONTINUE READING)

Read and SHARE this Bible reading plan at The Family Beacon!


RECLAIM IT: Virtual Conference - February 13


 From the event organizers:

Our goal is to help LGBTQ-identified individuals understand who they really are; that they are image-bearers of Almighty God. He doesn't make mistakes, and He created two sexes for a purpose...We will help you reach LGBTQ-identified individuals with information that they likely haven't heard. This conference also delivers a message of hope for parents with LGBTQ-identified children. 

It is only in Christ, our children, our families, and the Church will discover their TRUE IDENTITY. We want to help you Reclaim IT!

Tickets $50-$75. Click here to register now for this virtual event!

Gray_Line.png Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get your copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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 Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families and communities through Christ. As we pivot from a contentious election to the challenges ahead, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.









































































































































































































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