Hello friends,
Last evening I had the privilege of being elected unanimously as the new chair of the Ohio Democratic Party. Some of you may remember me from my previous stint as the state party's executive director in 2014, or you may be familiar with my work as a Summit County councilmember. In addition, I have the great honor of being the first woman elected to serve as chair of the Ohio Democratic Party.
Ohio Democrats have so much commitment and passion that I know will lead us to great successes in the future. I know the work ahead will be hard, and we'll have to have a lot of tough conversations and create detailed strategies and tactics to get where we need to be. However, I know that ultimately this work is about people. I'm going to keep people at the center of this organization. I'll make space for them and honor their stories. This is what Ohio Democrats should be about.
I'd like to welcome aboard our new vice chair, Andre Washington, who has been a tireless advocate for Ohio's working families as a field representative and special projects coordinator with the Ohio Association of Public School Employees and a real champion for voting rights as the Ohio state director for the A. Philip Randolph Institute.
I'd also like to welcome our new interim executive director, Malik Hubbard, a veteran Ohio political operative with extensive expertise in the engagement and turnout of African Americans and other voters of color. I'm thrilled to have Malik onboard as we hit the ground running on day one, fighting for a better, more inclusive Ohio and putting our state back on the right track. Malik is the state party's first Black executive director.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the work of our interim chair, Rhine McLin, who led the party over the past two weeks during this transition and served as our vice chair for the past 15 years. We appreciate her many years of service to the party and her leadership as the vice chair of the Midwest Caucus for the Democratic National Committee and secretary of the Association of State Democratic Chairs.
Next week President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will take the oath of office, and there will be events surrounding the inauguration that represent the beginning of a new national journey, one that restores the soul of America and brings Americans together.
Monday, Jan. 18 -- National Day of Service
On Monday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will participate in the annual National Day of Service on MLK Day, focusing on empathetic leadership and bringing Americans together. This is a nonpartisan opportunity, and some of our partners include Feeding America, Americorps, YMCA, Boys & Girls Club and United Way. Thank you to the many county parties and local groups that are honoring the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by organizing their own service events! Click here to find out more and sign up.
Tuesday, Jan. 19 -- COVID-19 Memorial
On Tuesday, the inaugural committee will be hosting a COVID memorial to honor the lives lost to COVID-19. A D.C. ceremony will feature a lighting around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, and the committee is inviting cities and towns around the country to join together in illuminating buildings and ringing church bells at 5:30 p.m. ET in a national moment of unity and remembrance. You can sign up to take part here.
Wednesday, Jan. 20 -- Inauguration Day
On Wednesday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in, which will allow them to start taking on the pandemic, building our economy back better and moving our country forward. Click here if you'd like to host a virtual inauguration watch party.
The inauguration will conclude with a prime-time program featuring remarks from Biden and Harris, as well as remarks and performances that represent the rich diversity and extensive talent America offers.

In addition, the Ohio Democratic Party will be hosting our own inauguration celebration. We will have more information about our guests and how to watch in the coming days. I hope you can join us as we start a new chapter here at the state party and in our country.
In solidarity,
Liz Walters
Ohio Democratic Party
Holding Trump's Enablers Accountable
This week courageous leaders in the House took a stand for democracy, impeaching a president who incited a deadly mob and refuses still to admit his role in this violence or renounce the lies about our election that led to it. This betrayal requires immediate action, to ensure this kind of violence never happens again and to rid us of this dangerous president.
But, once again, Ohio Republicans like Jim Jordan are willing accomplices to Donald Trump's crimes. For four years, Jim has served as the president's loyal cheerleader as Trump fanned the flames of hatred, chaos and racism. And as Donald Trump's No. 1 defender in Washington, Jim Jordan will continue the legacy of Trumpism for years to come if unchecked.

Jim Jordan is a national disgrace. If you think Jim Jordan should resign from Congress, will you add your name to this petition?
- Saturday, Jan. 16 -- Warren County Democratic Party Donation Drive-Through & Inauguration Celebration
- Saturday, Jan. 16 -- Petition Signing in Support of Democratic Candidates with Hilliard Democrats
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- Biden Inaugural Committee National Day Of Service
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- MLK Day of Service with the Champaign County Democratic Party
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- MLK Day of Service Food Drive with Progressive Groups in Central Ohio
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- The Coalition of Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio Drive-Through Day of Service
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- Letter Writing to Local Nursing Home Residents with the Athens County Democratic Party
- Monday, Jan. 18 -- National Civil Rights Museum King Day: A Virtual Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
- Tuesday, Jan. 19 -- Black in America: A Discussion with the Columbus African Council
- Tuesday, Jan. 19 -- Redistricting 101 Webinar with the Fair Districts Coalition
- Tuesday, Jan. 19 -- Franklin County Democratic Women's Caucus Kickoff and Elections
- Wednesday, Jan. 20 -- Inauguration Watch Party with Delaware County Democratic Party
- Sunday, Jan. 24 -- Ohio They See Blue Kickoff Networking and Informational Event
- Monday, Jan. 25 -- Get Ready for the State Budget with Ohio Voice
- Monday, Jen. 25 -- Ohio Fair Districts Community Mapping and Mapmaking with DistrictR
- Thursday, Feb. 4 -- Quin-T Democratic Club Meeting in Clermont County