Without accountability and consequence, there can be no healing.
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The House has voted -- now, it's time for the Senate to act.

Yesterday's impeachment vote (for a historic second time) of Donald Trump now moves it to the Senate, and Mitch McConnell must act immediately to begin the trial and removal of this violent president.

We've lost too many lives already to wait. Our democracy is at stake.

Without accountability there can be no opportunity for healing and unity: Add your name to tell the Senate to act immediately on the House's impeachment vote right now.


Thanks -- more soon,

The DeanTeam

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dean Phillips
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2021
Subject: Why I voted to impeach Donald Trump


Yesterday, the House voted to impeach Donald Trump.

This was an absolutely necessary action, and I'll tell you why: There is no unity or healing without accountability.

Far too many of my GOP colleagues are spending more time decrying this impeachment vote than they are condemning insurrectionists and seditionists. They are putting political theater ahead of protecting our democracy. And they are utterly failing to demand that President Trump dissuade those planning violence in his honor and his name.

We must hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions. Accountability and consequence are unifying American principles -- and Donald Trump has shown he will neither accept accountability or consequence for his actions. That made yesterday's vote all the more important.

Nothing less than the future of our country is at stake, and that's why I voted to impeach. These are difficult days, but I believe -- as I always have -- that America and Americans will persevere. That's why I cast my vote for the future.

Thank you for standing with me,

Dean Phillips


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