John —
Hi there, I’m Janos Marton, and I’m the new National Director of Dream Corps JUSTICE — which is the new name for Dream Corps #cut50.
I joined Dream Corps because I want to be part of a community working to close prison doors and open doors of opportunity. The first part of that has been my life’s work. As an organizer, lawyer, and criminal justice campaign director, I have fought relentlessly to end mass incarceration, including leading successful efforts to close notorious and horrific jails in New York and St. Louis.
Now, I’m excited about this new chapter. Since 2014, Dream Corps #cut50 has leveraged the expertise of people directly harmed by the justice system and brought both political parties together to win major victories for people and their families. And you played a critical role:
- You helped pass nearly 30 pieces of bipartisan legislation across the country, including the most robust reforms to our federal prison and sentencing policies in a generation: the First Step Act.
- You built the Empathy Network, the largest bipartisan coalition of directly impacted advocates nationwide.
- You make Day of Empathy the largest coordinated day of action for criminal justice reform in the country.
- You helped pass urgent relief for 33,000+ women facing degrading and dehumanizing conditions behind bars and helped lift up their voices and leadership.
Now, we want to build on that legacy and expand it. That is what renaming #cut50 to Dream Corps JUSTICE is all about.
This isn’t just a fresh coat of paint. Dream Corps JUSTICE is an embodiment of our commitment to working across issues and silos to leverage the collective power of the entire Dream Corps organization to combat racial injustice in all its forms.
And in 2021, we have big plans to do just that by:
- Uniting Dream Corps TECH and Dream Corps JUSTICE to launch a high skills job training cohort for people who have been locked out of high-tech careers because of their criminal record
- Dramatically expanding funding for green jobs training programs targeting people recently released from incarceration by bringing our Dream Corps JUSTICE and Dream Corps Green For All teams together.
And that’s just the beginning.
If you’re excited about this vision, chip in to help us hit the ground running by making a donation to Dream Corps.
As Dream Corps JUSTICE, we look forward to continuing the work we did as #cut50, building up the leadership of directly impacted advocates, finding common ground with unlikely allies to change hearts, minds, and laws, and fighting for a future with freedom and dignity for all.
Thank you for standing with us! — Janos Marton and the Dream Corps JUSTICE team