
That Day of Fire |
week, violent insurrectionists—white supremacists—invaded the U.S. Capitol in the name of President Donald J. Trump, who enabled, encouraged, and sympathized with these actors before, during, and after the invasion.
There is no mistaking who bears responsibility for the disgraceful violence that took place: President Trump and his enablers, both inside and outside of Congress.
the days since this insurrection, some of our leaders have continued to divide the country by reaffirming their stance that this election was fraudulent, refusing to comply with new Capitol safety measures, and suggesting we move on for the sake of "unity."
many of us, elected leaders and private citizens alike, are left grappling with fear, uncertainty, and profound trauma—not only from last week's events but also from the constant and sustained threat of violent white supremacy, persistent structural barriers to racial justice, and erosion of democracy that has permeated the last four years.
There can be no justification, no excuse, and no rationalization for the actions we've seen in the Capitol this past week.
The incitement of these extremists must end immediately and the enablers of this violence—including President Trump, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)—should no longer serve in their offices.
Take action now:
Demand that your senator support the conviction and removal of President Trump here.
Where We Go From Here |
Four Steps for Congress to Address White Supremacist Terorism |
There is growing consensus that the most significant terrorist threat facing the United States is violent white supremacists. The good news is that Congress can take immediate actions against this threat, such as rooting out violent white supremacy in military and law enforcement institutions.
A More Perfect Union
The next decade will prove pivotal to the future of the United States. America will either adopt an ambitious program of national rebuilding or it will enter a period of stagnation. The government needs a national plan for renewal focused on rewiring the economy, rebuilding the safety net, and reconnecting America to the world.
Your Voice Heard |
Banning all of Donald Trump's social media accounts isn't optional. It's a matter of public safety.
Tell social media platform heads:
Trump should be permanently banned from all social media platforms.
Tell It Like It Is
final chapter includes Confederate flags running rampant through the Capitol and a white supremacist mob allowed to casually desecrate America's democracy. We need to aggressively reject this racism at every level and march toward progress again."
- John Podesta, Founder, CAP

attack on the Capitol was the inevitable consequence of a party that has stoked division, racism, and violence for years.
We must hold the president and his allies who fueled this violence responsible, or risk an attack far worse than what we saw on Wednesday."
- Julian
Castro, CAP Board Member and Former Sec. of HUD

state needs to do this IMMEDIATELY. Openly carrying firearms to intimidate, threaten, and commits acts of violence against lawmakers and their staff has no relevance to any interpretation of the Second Amendment. Enough."
- Chelsea Parsons, Vice President, Gun Violence Prevention, CAP
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